The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the Europe and the World Centre (EWC) at the University of Liverpool (UoL). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European
affairs. Further details about the centre’s activities can be found on our website:

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for Student Research Bursaries that aim to support short research visits of students (Undergraduate, Master’s, or PhD) from the partner institutions (University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Liverpool). Eligible activities may include:

  1. Visits for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches, etc).
  2. Visits to attend conferences.
  3. Visits to facilitate research collaborations.

The bursaries will be up to £750.

Activities supported by a bursary must take place between the 1st of November 2023 and the 31st of July 2024.

  1. Eligibility

The JMCE will only consider applicaFons from its fee-paying stakeholders: the University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS), Manchester Metropolitan University (you must be based within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities) and the University of Liverpool (you must be based within the Department of Politics).

  1. Structure of proposals

Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay;
  • Detailed budget; 
  1. Deadline

There is no fixed deadline for the submission of proposals. We do however encourage applying as early as possible as funds will run out. Applications should be sent to Dr Davide Schmid (

  1. Evaluation

All proposals will be evaluated on a rolling basis by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE.
We aim to notify successful applicants within five weeks of submission.

All proposals will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • The quality and clarity of the proposal and its objectives;
  • anticipated benefit (preferably multiple benefits) of the fieldwork for the student’s project;
  • any partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, students, policy makers, local community, etc.) and whether the applicant intends these to continue;
  • whether the applicant is willing to present their research to the JMCE;
  • value for money, and whether the funding is ‘topping up’ other funding.
  1. Other requirements

To support fieldwork activities, the MJMCE will seek confirmation that ethics approval has been granted by the relevant university.

Successful applicants will be reimbursed for their expenses after the activity has been completed.

Successful applicants are also required to submit a brief project report of up to 400 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. We will be grateful if you can include within the report a photo taken during your visit, but understand if you would prefer not to.

  1. Further information

Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr Davide Schmid (




The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

New  Call for PhD Bursaries (2022/2023)




  1. Introduction

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the University of Chester (UoC). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs.


Further details can be found on our website:


The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries that aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from, or to, the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoC).


The bursary supports two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe (‘internal bursaries’);
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions (‘external bursaries’). The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay).


The bursaries will be up to £500.


Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.


Activities supported by a bursary should take place between 1 October 2022 and 31 July 2023.


  1. Eligibility

For ‘internal bursaries’, the JMCE will only consider applications from students from its fee-paying stakeholders:

  • University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Chester

For ‘external bursaries’, the JMCE will consider applications from students of any non-UK university.



  1. Structure of proposals

Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;



  1. Deadline

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 24 June 2022. Applications should be sent to Dr. Paul Tobin (


  1. Evaluation

All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline. Successful applicants will be notified by within two weeks of the deadline.

All proposals will be evaluated according to the following:


  • The quality and clarity of the proposal and its objectives;
  • anticipated benefit (preferably multiple benefits) of the fieldwork for the student’s project;
  • any partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, students, policy makers, local community, etc.) and whether the applicant intends these to continue;
  • whether the applicant is willing to present their research to the JMCE;
  • value for money, and whether the funding is ‘topping up’ other funding.


  1. Other requirements

Successful applicants will be reimbursed for their expenses after the activity has been completed. They are also required to submit a brief project report of up to 400 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. We will be grateful if you can include within the report a photo taken during your visit, but understand if you would prefer not to.


  1. Further information

Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Paul Tobin (


The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will sadly be able to inform successful bids only.








The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence



Have you written your Undergraduate dissertation on a topic relating to European Studies (broadly defined)? Then nominate yourself for the inaugural Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence UG Dissertation Prize!


The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the University of Chester (UoC). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs. Further details can be found on our website:


The UG Dissertation Prize has been created to celebrate the hard work and insights of a new generation of scholars. In addition to being able to include the prize on your CV and any applications for further study, we are pleased to also include a £100 prize for the winner.


  1. Eligibility

The JMCE will only consider applications from students based at one of its fee-paying stakeholders:

  • University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS);
  • Manchester Metropolitan University;
  • University of Chester.


  1. How to nominate yourself

Simply email your completed dissertation to Dr. Paul Tobin with the email heading ‘JMCE UG Dissertation Prize’. Only self-nominations are accepted.


  1. Deadline

The deadline for receipt of nominations to this call is Friday 24 June 2022.


  1. Evaluation

All dissertations will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline, with consideration of the following features:

  • Appropriateness of the dissertation’s structure for the purposes of the project;
  • Engagement with a wide range of existing research;
  • Erudition of the writing;
  • Clarity of the dissertation’s contribution to knowledge.


  1. Other requirements

After having been named the winner, the successful applicant is required to submit a brief quotation of up to 150 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. The quotation should state why you wrote about your chosen topic, summarise the topic explored, and explain the contribution of the dissertation to knowledge. We will be grateful if you can include with the quotation a photo of yourself, but we understand if you would prefer not to.






1. Introduction

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), and Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students, and others interested in European affairs.

Further details can be found on our website:

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries that aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from or to, the three partner institutions (UoM, and MMU).

The bursary supports two categories of activities:

• For students from the two partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe (‘internal bursaries’);

• For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions (‘external bursaries’). The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay).

The bursaries will be up to £500.

Eligible activities may include:

• Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).

• Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.

• Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between 15 November 2022 and 31 July 2023.

2. Eligibility

For ‘internal bursaries’, the JMCE will only consider applications from students from its fee-paying stakeholders:

• University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS)

• Manchester Metropolitan University


For ‘external bursaries’, the JMCE will consider applications from students of any non-UK university.

3. Structure of proposals

Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured as follows:

• Title of project;

• Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;

• The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;

• Detailed budget;

4. Deadline

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 28 October 2022. Applications should be sent to Dr. Paul Tobin (

5. Evaluation

All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline. Successful applicants will be notified by within two weeks of the deadline.

All proposals will be evaluated according to the following:

• The quality and clarity of the proposal and its objectives;

• anticipated benefit (preferably multiple benefits) of the fieldwork for the student’s project;

• any partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, students, policymakers, local community, etc.) and whether the applicant intends these to continue;

• whether the applicant is willing to present their research to the JMCE;

• value for money, and whether the funding is ‘topping up’ other funding.

6. Other requirements

Successful applicants will be reimbursed for their expenses after the activity has been completed. They are also required to submit a brief project report of up to 400 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. We will be grateful if you can include within the report a photo taken during your visit, but understand if you would prefer not to.

7. Further information

Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Paul Tobin (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will sadly be able to inform successful bids only.

Previous Calls

2021/2022 (1st call)

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

New Call for PhD Bursaries 2021/2022 

1.  Introduction

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE), a partnership between the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Chester, aims to develop a platform to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs.

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoC).

The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe (internal bursaries);
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions (external bursaries). The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)

The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between 1 November 2021 and 31 July 2022.


2.  Eligibility

For internal bursaries the JMCE will only consider applications from students from its fee-paying stakeholders:

  • University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC and AMBS)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University
  • University of Chester

For external bursaries the JMCE will consider applications form students of any non-UK university.

3.  Structure of proposals

Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;

4.  Deadline

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 15 October 2021. Applications should be sent via email to the JMCE’s Deputy Director, Dr. Kathryn Simpson (

5.  Evaluation

All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline. Successful applicants will be notified by within two weeks of the deadline.

All proposals will be evaluated on the:

  • Quality of the proposal;
  • Anticipated benefit of the fieldwork for the student’s project;
  • Partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, students, policy makers, local community, etc.);
  • Value for money

6.  Other requirements

Successful applicants will be reimbursed for their expenses after the activity has been completed. They are also required to submit a brief project report, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes.

7.  Further information

Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, and Deputy Director of the JMCE Dr. Kathryn Simpson ( ).


The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will reply to successful bids only.

2018/19 FIrst Call

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Call for PhD Bursaries 2018/19 (First Call)

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs. For more details on the Centre’s activities please visit:

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoS).

The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)

The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.   

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between January 2019 and June 2020.

Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 7 December 2018. Applications should be sent to Dr. Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their bursaries within two weeks after the deadline. Only successful applicants will be notified.

2017/ 18, First Call

Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Call for PhD Bursaries


The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs. For more details on the Centre’s activities please visit:

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoS).

The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)

The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between January 2018 and June 2019.

Proposals should not exceed 1000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 8 December 2017. Applications should be sent to Dr. Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their bursaries within two weeks after the deadline. Only successful applicants will be notified.

2016/ 17, Second Call

Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Call for PhD Bursaries, 2016/ 2017, Second Call

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs. For more details on the Centre’s activities please visit:


The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoS).


The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)


The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between June 2017 and January 2019.


Proposals should not exceed 1,000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;


The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Wednesday 10 May 2017. Applications should be sent to Dr. Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their bursaries within two weeks after the deadline. Only successful applicants will be notified.

2016/ 2017, First Call

Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence

Call for PhD Bursaries, 2016/ 2017, First Call

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs. For more details on the Centre’s activities please visit:

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoS).

The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)

The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between January 2017 and June 2018.

Proposals should not exceed 1000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Thursday 1 December 2016. Applications should be sent to Dr. Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their bursaries within two weeks after the deadline. Only successful applicants will be notified.

2015 Second Call

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs. For more details on the Centre’s activities please visit:


The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from its fee-paying stakeholders:

  • University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, Law and AMBS)
  • Manchester Metropolitan University


The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the two partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)


The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between October 2016 and February 2018.


Proposals should not exceed 1000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;


The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 20 May 2016. Applications should be sent to Dr. Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award its bursaries by mid-June. Only successful applicants will be notified.


2015 Second Call

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between the University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs.

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (UoM, MMU and UoS).

The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)

The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Activities supported by a bursary should take place between January 2016 and June 2017.

Proposals should not exceed 1000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 5 December 2015. Applications should be sent to Dr. Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their bursaries within two weeks after the deadline. Only successful applicants will be notified.

2015 First Call

The deadline for this call was 15 May 2015. These pages give you an idea of the kind of grants that we usually offer.

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, a partnership between The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University, aims to support the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and students interested in European affairs.

The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for PhD bursaries which aim to support short research visits of doctoral students from and to the three partner institutions (The University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and University of Salford). The bursaries available through this call should be spent between October 2015 and February 2017.

The bursary aims to support two categories of activities:

  • For students from the three partner institutions: to conduct short research visits to Europe;
  • For students studying outside the UK: to conduct short research visits to the UK, in association with one of the three partner institutions. The bursary does not automatically entitle visiting students to an office facility and a library card, although the three partner institutions will try to accommodate such requests (depending on the length of stay)

The bursaries will be up to £500. Eligible activities may include:

  • Visiting from/to the UK for fieldwork purposes (interviews, archival and library searches etc).
  • Visiting from/to the UK for attending conferences.
  • Visiting from/to the UK to facilitate research collaborations.

Proposals should not exceed 1000 words and should be structured as follows:

  • Title of project;
  • Name of the applicant, their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
  • The nature and purpose of the short research stay abroad;
  • Detailed budget;

The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is 15 May 2015. Applications should be sent to Dr Tilman Frasch (

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence will reply to successful bids only.

UoM logo
Manchester Metropolitan University
University of Liverpool