Funded Events
Politics and IR Seminar Programme Spring 2023
Hosted by the Politics Research Group at Manchester Metropolitan University
8 February 2023 (In Person)*
Dr Aliaksandr Herasimenka: Towards a Theory of Authoritarian Political Communication
22 February 2023 (Virtual)*
Bohdana Kurylo: Populist feminism & the performative securitisation of reproductive rights (in Poland)
8 March 2023 (Virtual)*
Dr Tanya (Tetyana) Lokot: Citizen mobilisation & resistance in the context of Russia’s war in Ukraine
15 March (In Person)*
Tomila Lankina: The Estate Origins of Democracy in Russia
22 March (In Person)
Amna Kaleem: From ‘battle of ideas’ to ‘British values’: Overview of Prevent Strategy
*These events are part of a Series on Russia, Eastern Europe and Ukraine with support from the Jean Monnet Centre for Excellence
”The role of Europe in Global Challenges: Climate Change and Sustainable Development”**
The research network will explore the efforts in both adaptation and mitigation to climate change, and how they
interlink with the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
We are searching for 200-250 words proposals from any Social Science Discipline (Economics, Politics, International Relations, Public Policy, Law, etc.) covering the following research questions:
- What do Member States and third countries expect from the EU in terms of mitigation and adaptation to climate change?
- Will the EU continue to lead or will new actors such as China take over?
- How will the EU reconcile its international commitments with the national interests of Member States, especially in a climate of raising populism and Euroscepticism?
- How are citizens’ demands being incorporated into the new climate policy agenda (2030/2050/Energy Union/new Commission Green Deal)?
In order to address and focus such questions, the Research Network will specifically work on the Who, How and Where of climate change and sustainability policies in the EU.
– Who? – Who are the actors (businesses, politicians, citizens) pushing for policy change or any type of action
with regard to climate change adaptation and mitigation? What is the role of governments at the local, regional
and national level? Is there a balance of power in the intergovernmental governance level? Are the changes
coming from a top-down approach or are we moving towards a bottom-up approach, or a combination of the
– How? – What type of policies and regulations are being proposed? In which areas? Is there too much focus
on energy? What about adaptation of the housing stock, transport and mobility frameworks, consumption and
production (see the war on plastic) etc? Is it all about market instruments like the ETS, feed-in-tariffs, subsidies
or are there other ways of steering society towards sustainability? The network will look beyond the typical
environmental and energy policies and will see how they interrelate with fiscal policies, social policies and
others, as well as the possible effects of said policies.
– Where?– Decisions might be made at UN or the EU level, but countries need to implement them nationally,
regionally and locally. Sometimes actions at the local and regional level contradict those of the national level
and viceversa. With regard to SDGs, is the EU focusing on international aid to third countries or on domestic
-What? What are the consequences of one approach or the other? How is the EU’s relationship with third
countries going to be affected by internal policy decisions (for instance attempts to reduce energy
Call for Abstracts & Expression of Interest Deadline: 16 February 2020
to be submitted to Dr. Rosa Fernandez, Dr. Jonas Schoenefeld, and Prof. Thomas Hoerber
Workshop Dates: 15 – 16 June 2020
If you would like to attend without presenting a paper please register your interest by contacting the same three
people. Attendance is free, but registration is necessary for catering purposes.
** C0-funded by the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) & the Academic Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) **
‘Ireland and the EU in a Changing World: Brexit, Crisis & Populism’
Manchester Metropolitan University Business School, All Saints Campus M15 6BH
Attendance is free, but prior registration is required
Click here to register
For more information, click here
** jointly funded by the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) & the Manchester Metropolitan University’s (MMU) Future Economies Research Centre **
***Organised by Dr. Kathryn Simpson from the Future Economies Research Centre, Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU)***
Click here to download the workshop’s full programme
‘Social movements and policy outcomes: How right-wing grassroots groups influence foreign policy’
8 March 2019, 14.00 – 17.30
Conference Room, Ellen Wilkinson Building, University of Manchester
Attendance is free, but prior registration is recommended
Click here to download the workshop’s flyer
For more information, click here
** jointly funded by the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE), the British International Studies Association (BISA – Foreign Policy Working Group, Russian and Eurasian Security Working Group) & artsmethods@manchester**
***Organised by Sofia Tipaldou & Vera Tolz from the University of Manchester’s School of Arts, Languages & Cultures (SALC)***
Click here to download the workshop’s full programme
Resurgences of national citizenship in Europe? Brexit & other restrictions
Co-funded by the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) & the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE)
organised by Djordje Sredanovic and CoDE Director Bridget Byrne from the Sociology Department of the University of Manchester.
‘Resurgences of national citizenship in Europe? Brexit and other restrictions’
11 December 2018, 10.15 – 16.10
Room F41, Sackville Street Building, University of Manchester
Attendance is free, but prior registration is required
Click here to register
For more information, click here
** jointly funded by the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) & the Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity (CoDE) **
***Organised by Bridget Byrne and Djordje Sredanovic from the University of Manchester’s Sociology Department***
Click here to download the workshop’s programme
- Catriona Howard (SALC, University of Manchester), Negotiating Across Languages in the European Union
- Kevin Morgan (SoSS, University of Manchester) & Daniel Edmonds (SALC, University of Manchester), Within and Against the Metropole: Transnational Communism and Anti-Colonialism
- Dr. Alex Dowdall (Centre for the Cultural History of War, University of Manchester) & Dr. Mercedes Peñalba-Sotorrío (Conflict and Society Research Group, Manchester Metropolitan University), No End to the War: Cultures of Violence and Humanitarianism in the aftermath of the First World War
- Dr Christian Klesse (Department of Sociology, MMU), Transformations of Identities among People Whose Sexual Attractions are not Limited to one Gender only
Everyday Revolutions in Southern and Eastern Europe
Invitation to participate
The University of Manchester and Whitworth Art Gallery (2015 Museum of the Year)
Manchester, 19 and 20 May 2017
Full programme and free tickets available on
Click here to download the programme
- Prof. Hilary Pilkington (Sociology, School of Social Sciences , University of Manchester), Youth, Politics and Activism in Europe (T&L)
- Isabelle Doucet (Lecturer in Architecture And Urbanism, SEED, University of Manchester), European Postmodernism in Architecture and Urban Design. Click here for the programme.
- Prof. Antony Rowland (Department of English, Manchester Metropolitan University), European Holocaust Memory and the Postcolonial ‘Turn
- Dr Christian Goeschel (SALC, University of Manchester), Cultures of diplomacy Workshop
- Dr. Piotr Goldstein (SALC, University of Manchester), Everyday Revolutions in Southern & Eastern Europe
- Dr. Douglas Field (School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester), European Beat Studies Network Conference
- Dr. Idoya Puig (Department of Languages, Information and Communications Manchester Metropolitan University), Celebrating 400 years of literary culture: Shakespeare and Cervantes
- Dr. Kitty Lymperopoulou (Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity, Univeristy of Manchester), Dr. Lindsey Garratt (Centre on Dynamics of Ethnicity, Univeristy of Manchester), Migration and Families in Europe: National and local perspectives
- Dr. Lloyd Strickland (Department of History, Politics and Philosophy, Manchester Metropolitan University), Leibniz: Legacy and Impact
Dr. Idoya Puig (Department of Languages, Information and Communications Manchester Metropolitan University), Celebrating 400 years of literary culture: Shakespeare and Cervantes.
Click here for the event flyer.
Click here for the event report.
- Dr Jon Binnie (School of Science and the Environment, Manchester Metropolitan University), The Rhetorics of Comparison and the Europeanisation of LGBTQ Politics
- Dr Ursula Tidd (French Studies, School of Arts, Languages and Cultures, University of Manchester), European identity in the Shadow of the Shoah: Contemporary Cultural and Historical Perspectives
- Professor Lynn Martin (Centre for Enterprise, Manchester Metropolitan University), Manchester: Identifying a consolidated stakeholder position to inform policy debate in relation to the UK’s proposed EU referendum
Transnational Cultures of Petitioning Symposium, 29-10 June 2015, The University of Manchester A two-day symposium by the Cultures of Politics Research Group, History Division. Sponsored by the Social History Society, the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and the History Division, University of Manchester.
- Prof. Daniel Carpenter (Harvard)
- Dr. Maartje Janse (Leiden)
- Dr. Henry Miller (Manchester)
- Dr. Richard Huzzey (Liverpool)
- Sami Pinabarsi (Manchester)
- Dr. Robert Poole (University of Central Lancashire)
- Dr. Diego Palacios Cerezales (Stirling)
- Dr. Michelle Orihel (Southern Utah University)
- Dr. Yann-Arzel Durelle-Marc (Université Paris 13)
- Prof. David Zaret (Indiana)
- Prof. James Jaffe (University of Wisconsin-Whitewater)
- Prof. Mark Knights (Warwick)
- Dr. Benoit Agnes (Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne)
Assessing the Performance of the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe and in its Neighbourhood
A research workshop supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence and the University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES).
This research workshop exploree issues relating to the performance of the European Union in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP). The workshop explored under a single conceptual framework three inter-related questions:
- How can we ‘conceptualise’ and ‘measure’ EU performance against its multi-faceted projection in CEE and the ENP space?
- What is the correlation between the EU’s output-driven performance and its internal processes of preference formation (process performance)?
- What is the relationship between the EU’s output-driven performance and the context of rewards/threats through which the EU engages with its partners?
The contributors to the workshop will seek to address these questions through mix of ‘horizontal’ and country-specific papers which build on a rich empirical investigation.
- Dorina Baltag (Loughborough University)
- Pierre Bocquillon (Cambridge University)
- Giselle Bosse (Maastricht University)
- Olga Burlyuk (Gent University)
- Adam Fagan (Queen Mary University of London)
- Eli Gateva (Queen Mary University of London)
- Desislava Hristova Kurzydlowski (Sofia University)
- Tomas Maltby (King’s College London)
- Dimitris, Papadimitriou (The University of Manchester)
- Stefan Roch (Central European University)
- Neculai-Cristian Surubaru (Loughborough University)
Winter 2014 NIE Conference: IO of Media and Advertising
Keynote speakers:
- Rachel Griffith
- Joshua Gans
- Gregory Crawford.
In? Out? Shake-it-all-about? What stance should Britain take on European integration?
Organised by the International Affairs Society.
- Prof Christoph Meyer (Kings College London)
- Prof Dimitris Papadimitriou (University of Manchester)
In the Shadow of the First World War: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Conflict in Global Perspective
A two-day conference.
The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini’s Italy
Two lectures by Professor Paul Corner (University of Sienna) supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
In the Shadow of the First World War: Social and Cultural Dimensions of Conflict in Global Perspective
A two-day conference.
The Fascist Party and Popular Opinion in Mussolini’s Italy
Two lectures by Professor Paul Corner (University of Sienna) supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Communism and the Leader Cult: national and transnational perspectives
A workshop supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Fusing Localities? understanding European integration and local government
A panel discussion supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Multidisciplinary Use of Radio Archives
A one day international conference supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
The European Crisis: alternative responses
A one day international conference supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
The Unequal Academy
A one-day conference supported by the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Speakers included: Prof Mary Evans London School of Economics and Political Science, Prof Rosalind Gill Kings College London, Prof Valerie Hey Sussex University, Prof Rosemary Deem Royal Holloway University of London, Prof Helen Gunter University of Manchester and Prof Marianna Fotaki Manchester Business School.
Economic Valuation of Ecosystem Services: Empirical Evidence from the UK.
Invited lectures: Dr MarcellaVeronesi (University of Verona) for the Economics module ECON20422 ‘Applied Environmental Economics’ (course instructor: Dr Dimitrios Reppas). The event was supported by the JMCE Teaching and Learning Fund.
- Dr Martin Conway (Oxford) and Professor Peter Gatrell (Manchester) for the SALC module Crisis and Prosperity in Twentieth Century Europe, The Challenge of Europeanisation in the Twentieth Century
- Dr N. Turnbull (SoSS, UoM) Political Rhetoric in the United Kingdom; [timetable]
- Dr N. Ferreira (SoL, UoM), The human face of the European Union: Humane enough?[call for papers] Programme | Report
- Is Multiculturalism in Crisis? an International Debate (SALC, UoM) [poster]
- Dr A. Alderson (SAHC, UoM), Second Manchester-Shanghai Forum on Marxist Aesthetics
- Dr U. Hurley (UoS), Translating European Histories Programme
- Dr K. Zwolski (MMU), Dr S. Léonard (UoS), Dr MacKenzie (UoS), Mr Rozée (UoS), The European Union in Global Security Governance: Mainly the Payer or Finally the Player?
- Dr N. Smith (UoS), Radio talk across time and space: An exploration of the interdisciplinary potential of common digital resources, in three European settings
- Prof. K. Morgan (SoSS, UoM) Towards a transnational communist history: Twentieth Century CommunismProgramme
- Dr. P. Copeland and Dr. D. Papadimitriou (SoSS, UoM), Evaluating the Lisbon Agenda I [workshop report]
- Prof. P. Buse (UoS),Periodicals Across Europe; [programme]
- Dr A. Kiernan (MMU), Big Society? Snapshots from the frontline
- Dr. P. Copeland and Dr. D. Papadimitriou (SoSS, UoM), Evaluating the Lisbon Agenda II [workshop report]
- Prof. S. Jones, Department (SLLC, UoM) The Advent of Modern Democracy: new ideas for a world altogether new
- Peripheral Regions and Frontiers [report]
- The European Political Economy in Uncertain Times: change and continuity in neoliberalism [report]
- Representing China: from the Jesuits to Zhang Yimou [programme] [report]
- Dr. L. Brown (SAHC, UoM), Global Wounds
- Dr. C. Sutherland & E. Barabantseva (SoSS, UoM) Integrating Nation-Building, Diasporas and Regionalism: European and Asian Perspectives
- Dr. M. Goodwin (IPEG, UoM), Religion and right-wing extremism in contemporary Europe
- Prof. J. Ruberry (MBS, UoM), Developing European Social Indicators for Fairness at Work
- Prof. Y. Matras (SLLC, UoM), European Identities, Smaller Languages and Media Technology
- Dr. P. Scott (SAHC, UoM), The Belonging & Heimat Project
- Dr. T. Bakelis (SAHC, UoM), Migration, the State and Nation-Making in the Baltics during the 20th century
- Dr. S. MacDonald (SoSS, UoM), Making European Cultural Heritage
- Dr Angelos Sepos (UoM), Imperial Power Europe? The EU’s quest for supremancy [report]
- Dr. A. Valassopoulos (SAHC, UoM), New Directions in Postcolonial Studies: The Environment and the Cosmopolitan
- Prof. R. Gibson (SoSS, UoM), Do elections offer voters meaningful choices?
- Dr L. Tunbridge (SAHC, UoM), Adapting Byron
- Prof. G. Tihanov (SLLC, UoM), Enlightenment Cosmopolitanisms
- Dr. A. Scott (UoM), Translating Europe (Courses for the Public)
- Dr P. Bratsis (UoS), May ‘68
- Prof. J. Rubery (MBS, UoM), Future of European national models
- Prof. S. Berger (SLLC, UoM), Writing of National Histories
- Dr N. Triana (SLLC, UoM), Europe on Screen
- Dr. A. James (PREST, UoM), The History of European Armaments CooperationSave
- Dr C. Kaunert (UoS), European Security, Terrorism & Intelligence
- Prof. J. Nazroo (SoSS, UoM), Muslims in Europe
- Prof. C. Archer (MMU), Small States and the European Security and Defence Policy
- Prof. S. Berger (SLLC, UoM, Looking out and looking in: towards a theoretical framework of studying identity politics in enclaves
- Prof. K. Ward (SED, UoM), Work of Cities and Regions
- Prof. S. Berger (SLLC, UoM), Empires, Nation-States and Regions
- Dr C. Annesley (SoSS, UoM), The Lisbonization of Europe
- Prof. J. Newell (UoS), Corruption and Democracy in Europe
- Prof. C. Archer (MMU), The Finnish Presidency of the EU (2006)
- Prof K. Morgan (SoSS, UoM), Identity and self-representation in European communist life histories
- Dr K. Rummery (SoSS, UoM), Europe and Gender
- Dr T. Seddon (SoL, UoM), , Border Crossings: European integration, crime and criminal justice
- Dr C. Agius (UoS), Scandinavia, the EU, and Post-9/11 Challenges
- Dr T. Schleicher and Dr R. Ramlogan (MBS, UoM), Institute of Innovation Research Seminar Series
- Dr C. Leyser (SAHC, UoM), The Peace in the Feud: History and Anthropology 1955-2005
- Dr A. Verges (SoL, UoM), Better EU Regulation Seminars
- Prof. C. Archer, (MMU), The Northern Dimension of the EU: Where Next?