Seminar Series
2024/2025 Semester 1
JMCE Events Academic Year 2024-2025
You are warmly invited to a Roundtable Discussion on the theme ‘New Approaches on the Collapse of the Habsburg Empire’. The talk will be centred around Claire Morelon’s Streetscapes of War and Revolution: Prague 1914–1920 (Cambridge University Press, 2024).
Date: 4th December, 16:00
Venue: Samuel Alexander A112, University of Manchester
• Claire Morelon (University of Manchester)
• Jakub Beneš (University College London)
• Doina Anca Cretu (University of Warwick)
• Markian Prokopovych (Durham University)
Chair: Christian Goeschel (University of Manchester)
This event is co-sponsored by the Institute of Historical Research seminar ‘Rethinking Modern Europe’.
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre warmly invites you to an online talk by the first recipient of its Doctoral Thesis Prize, Cristopher Fardan. Christopher received the award for his thesis titled : Extreme Nationalism in Contemporary Norway: Ideologies, Mobilisation and Activism.
In accepting the award, Christopher said:
“My thesis started from my concern about how the far right paralyses democratic engagement, target minorities and inspire politically motivated violence and terrorism – even in a country like Norway where a generous welfare system based on a strong economy and relatively low levels of unemployment, crime and socioeconomic inequalities would be expected to limit the resonance of far-right rhetoric.
I understand far-right extremism as a fundamental opposition to liberal democratic principles and universal human rights, combined with an extreme form of nationalism that justifies exclusion of people based on cultural, ethnic or “racial” differences. Such views do not exist in a vacuum, however, and my thesis set out to understand the relational, historical, political and geographical context that sustains the far-right movement in Norway today.
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, including in-depth interviews with far-right activists and observation at protest events, I found no single “pathway” into such movements nor any single “profile” of activists that might predict who will join far-right groups. They are young and old, men and women. They live in gloomy basement flats and in extravagant villas, in the city and in the village. They have low and high educational attainments, and they are driven by ideology, social and emotional communities, excitement and adrenaline. ‘Beyond contributing an understanding of the complexity and diversity of far-right movements to the academic field, I hope this study will be of use to civil society and state actors focussing on social inclusion and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE). In this way, I hope it can make a modest contribution also to Jean Monnet’s legacy and efforts to forging a more peaceful Europe”
- Wednesday 13th November, 2024 15:00-16:00 (GMT)
Title: Extreme Nationalism in Contemporary Norway: Ideologies, Mobilisation and Activism
Speaker: Christopher Fardan
Zoom Meeting ID: 999 5068 0273
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre warmly invites you to an online talk by the first recipient of its Doctoral Thesis Prize, Cristopher Fardan. Christopher received the award for his thesis titled : Extreme Nationalism in Contemporary Norway: Ideologies, Mobilisation and Activism.
In accepting the award, Christopher said:
“My thesis started from my concern about how the far right paralyses democratic engagement, target minorities and inspire politically motivated violence and terrorism – even in a country like Norway where a generous welfare system based on a strong economy and relatively low levels of unemployment, crime and socioeconomic inequalities would be expected to limit the resonance of far-right rhetoric.
I understand far-right extremism as a fundamental opposition to liberal democratic principles and universal human rights, combined with an extreme form of nationalism that justifies exclusion of people based on cultural, ethnic or “racial” differences. Such views do not exist in a vacuum, however, and my thesis set out to understand the relational, historical, political and geographical context that sustains the far-right movement in Norway today.
Drawing on ethnographic fieldwork, including in-depth interviews with far-right activists and observation at protest events, I found no single “pathway” into such movements nor any single “profile” of activists that might predict who will join far-right groups. They are young and old, men and women. They live in gloomy basement flats and in extravagant villas, in the city and in the village. They have low and high educational attainments, and they are driven by ideology, social and emotional communities, excitement and adrenaline. ‘Beyond contributing an understanding of the complexity and diversity of far-right movements to the academic field, I hope this study will be of use to civil society and state actors focussing on social inclusion and Preventing and Countering Violent Extremism (P/CVE). In this way, I hope it can make a modest contribution also to Jean Monnet’s legacy and efforts to forging a more peaceful Europe”
2023/2024 Semester 2
JMCE Events Academic Year 2023-2024
- Wednesday 28th February, 2024 15:00-16:00
Title: Humanitarian Borders: Unequal Mobility and Saving Lives
Speaker: Dr Polly Pallister-Wilkins, University of Amsterdam
Chair: Dr Davide Schmid (MMU)
Geoffrey Manton Building, MMU, GM 2.26
- Wednesday 13th March 2024, 15:00-16:00
Title: The Balkans and the EU: Prospects and Controversies
Speaker: Professor Dejan Jović
Chair: Professor Erika Harris
University of Liverpool, Rendall Building, Seminar Room 10
- Wednesday 17th April, 2024, 15:00-16:00
Title: Pax Economica: Left Wing Visions of a Free Trade World
Speaker: Dr Marc William Palen, University of Exeter
Chair: Dr Adrienne Roberts (UoM Politics)
Co-organised with the Political Economy Centre
Ellen Wilkinson, University of Manchester, A3.7
- Wednesday 1st May 2024, 15:00-16:00
Title: Capturing Women’s Standpoint in EU–Turkey Studies: The Evolution of Gendered Publication and Citation Patterns
Speaker: Dr Rahime Süleymanoğlu-Kürüm
MMU, Geoffrey Manton Building, GM 2.25
- Wednesday 12th June, 15:00-16:00
Title: Governing the Displaced: Race and Ambivalence in Global Capitalism
Speaker: Dr Ali Bhagat
Co-organised with the Political Economy Centre, and the Critical Global Politics and Global Political Economy clusters
University of Manchester, Samuel Alexander Building, A104
2023/2024 Semester I
JMCE Events Academic Year 2023-2024
- Wednesday, 25 October 2023. 15.00-16.00
Title: Immigrant Empires: Habsburg Europe’s Legacy in the United States
Speaker: Professor Dominique Kirchner Reill, University of Miami
Chair: Dr Christian Goeschel (UoM SALC)
Co-Organiser: Dr Claire Morelon (UoM History)
Samuel Alexander Building Room A101
- Wednesday, 22 November 2023. 15.00-16.15
Title: The Resistible Corrosion of Europe’s Centre Left After 2008
Speaker: Professor Georg Menz, Old Dominion University
Chair: Dr Silke Trommer (UoM SoSS)
Discussants: Gergely Agoston (UoM Politics), Jose Lopez (UoM Politics) and Davide Monaco (UoM Politics)
University Place Room 3.212
- Wednesday, 29 November 2023. 15.00-16.00
Title: The Russian-Ukrainian War and Ukraine’s European FutureSpeaker: Dr Alina Nychyk, ETH Zurich
Chair: Dr Eleonor Bindman (MMU)
Manchester Metropolitan University (Room TBC)
- Wednesday. 13 December 2023. 15.00-16.00
Title: Eurowhiteness: Culture, Empire and Race in the European Project
Speaker: Dr Hans Kundnani, Chatham House
Chair: Dr Davide Schmid (MMU)
Discussant: Professor Toni Haastrup (UoM Politics)
University Place Room 3.205
2022/2023 Semester II
JMCE Events Academic Year 2022-2023
- Wednesday, February 22, 2023, 2-3 pm (IN-PERSON EVENT) CANCELLED DUE TO UCU STRIKE
Wednesday, March 8, 2023, 2-3 pm (IN-PERSON EVENT)
Speaker: Dr Dimitar Bechev (University of Oxford)
Title: Russia and Turkey: Between Partnership and Rivarly
Chair: Professor Dimitris Papadimitriou
Venue: Arthur Lewis Building, Room G.019
- Thursday, March 23, 2023, 2-3pm (IN-PERSON EVENT)
Speaker: Prof. Robert Gerwarth (University College Dublin)
Title: An age of civil wars – Europe 1917-1949
Chair: Dr Christian Goeschel
Venue: Arthur Lewis Building (ALB), Room G. 020
- Wednesday, April 19, 2023, 2-3 pm (Special Event to mark the 25th Anniversary of the Good Friday Agreement)
Speaker: Dr Lisa Claire Whitten (Queen’s University Belfast)
Title: Brexit, Northern Ireland and the Protocol
Chair: Dr Kathryn Simpson
Venue: Arthur Lewis Building (ALB), Room 2.016
- Wednesday, April 26,2023, 2-3 pm (IN-PERSON EVENT)
Speaker: Dr Michael Holmes (Universite Catholique, Lille)
Title: Nationalism in Internationalism: Ireland’s relationship with the EU
Chair: Dr Kathryn Simpson
Venue: Williamson Building, Room 4.07
- Wednesday, May 3, 2023, 2-3 pm (GMT) (IN–PERSON EVENT)
Speaker: Dr Sophia Price (Leeds Beckett University)
Title: EU’s External Relations: provision of development aid & trade liberalisation
Moderator: Dr Silke Trommer
Venue: WILLIAMSON 4.07
2022/2023 Semester I
- Wednesday, October 19, 2022, 2-3pm (HYBRID FORMAT)
Speaker: Dr Koen Slootmaeckers (City University)
Title: Coming in? Sexual Politics & EU Accession in Serbia
Chair: Dr Kathryn Simpson
ZOOM WEBINAR ID: 895 3998 9151
Zoom Webinar Link:
Venue: University Place, Room 2.217
- Wednesday, November 2, 2022, 2-3 pm (HYBRID FORMAT)
Speaker: Dr Yuliya Yurchenko (University of Greenwich)
Title: Russo-Ukrainian war and Political economy of Ukraine’s (post)war restructuring: the metamorphosis of the state-society-capital complex
Chair: Dr Silke Trommer
Zoom link:
Zoom Webinar ID: 816 1860 1361
ALB (Arthur Lewis Building) Room G.020
- Thursday, November 3, 2022, 2-3pm (SPECIAL HYBRID EVENT)
Speaker: Dr. Labinot Greiçevci (Research Institute of Development and European Affairs – RIDEA, Kosovo)
Book Title: The EU as a State-builder in International Affairs: the case of Kosovo (Routledge, 2021)
Williamson Building Room 4.08
Zoom Webinar Link:
Zoom Webinar ID: 892 4551 0813
- Wednesday, November 16, 2022, 2-3 pm (HYBRID FORMAT)
Speaker: Prof. Toni Haastrup (University of Sterling)
Title: Feminist Foreign Policy & Europe
Chair: Dr Kathryn Simpson
Register here for the Webinar via Zoom
Zoom Webinar ID: 816 1860 1361
- The Seminar with Dr Lisa Claire Whitten (Queen’s University Belfast) HAS BEEN CANCELLED DUE TO UCU STRIKE
2021/2022 (Semester II)
JMCE Events Academic Year 2021-2022
- Wednesday, February 9 2022, 2-3pm (GMT), via Zoom Webinar ID: 876 7502 8139
Speaker: Dr. Ellie Brooks (University of Edinburgh)
Title: Covid-19 and EU Health Policy
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview:
- Wednesday, February 23, 2022, 2-3pm (GMT) via Zoom Webinar ID:863 4975 5802
Speaker: Professor James Hughes (LSE)
Title: The Ukraine crisis: A problem of trust
Seminar Recording:
- Wednesday, March 2, 2022, 3 -5 pm (GMT) via Zoom Webinar *joint event in collaboration with the
University Association for Contemporary European Studies (UACES) and Manchester University Press (MUP)
Speakers: Dr. Kathryn Simpson (MMU; JMCE) in conversation with Dr. Catherine Moury (NOVA University,
Discussion Chaired by Prof. John O’Brennan (Maynooth University)
Title: European Politics Presents: Ireland’s Relationship to the European Union
- Wednesday March 9, 2022, 2-3pm (GMT) via Zoom Webinar ID: 871 5909 0028
Speaker: Prof. Marilena Simiti (University of Piraeus)
Title: The strength of civil society in Southern Europe: The case of Greek civil society before and after the economic crisis
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview:
- Wednesday, March 30 2022, 2-3pm (GMT) * event co-organised with Manchester China Institute (MCI)
Speaker: Prof. Paul Irwin Crookes (Oxford School of Areas Studies, University of Oxford)
Title: The developing landscape of EU-China relations
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview
2021/2022 (Semester I)
JMCE Events Academic Year 2021-2022
Wednesday 6 October 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT+1)
Speaker: Dr. Chris Featherstone (LSE)
Title: Crisis of Influence: European Security and AUKUS
Zoom Webinar ID: 814 0939 2370
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview:
Wednesday, 20 October 2021, 14:00 – 15.00 (GMT+1)
Speaker: Dr. Viviane Gravey (Queen’s University Belfast)
Title: Remain of Abstain? Environmental NGOs in the 2016 EU Referendum
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview:
Wednesday, 3 November 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT)
Speaker: Prof. Henri Vogt (Uni. of Turku, Finland)
Title: The volatility of Germany and its implications for European polity
Zoom Webinar ID 835 6133 4130
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview:
Wednesday, 17 November 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT)
Speaker: Dr Mary C Murphy (Uni. College Cork, Ireland)
Title: Ireland after Brexit: The Challenge of Managing Relations with the EU and the UK
Seminar Recording:
3-Question Interview:
2020/2021 (Semester II)
JMCE Events Academic Year 2020-2021
Wednesday, February 10th 2021, 14:00-16:00 (GMT) via Zoom Webinar
Speakers: Professor Kevin Featherstone (LSE); Professor George Papaconstantinou (EUI, Florence Italy; fmr Greek Finance Minister); Professor Vivien Schmidt (Boston University, USA)
Title: The Eurozone between Perpetual Crisis and A New Paradigm: Looking back to move forward
Video Recording
Wednesday, February 24th 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT) via Zoom Webinar (ID: 857 7084 3105)
Speaker: Dr. Lamprini Rori (University of Exeter; EUI)
Title: The landscape of political violence in crisis-ridden Greece: evidence from the far right and the far left
Seminar Recording
Wednesday, March 10th 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT) via Zoom Webinar
Speaker: Dr. Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Warwick)
Title: Performing Brexit? The Case of the UK’s Independent Trade Policy
Seminar Recording
Wednesday, March 24th 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT) via Zoom Webinar
Speaker: Dr. Othon Anastasakis (St. Anthony’s College, University of Oxford)
Title: Russia and Turkey in the Balkans: Parallel trajectories and legacies of the past
Seminar Recording
post-Seminar 3-Question-Interview
Wednesday, April 21st 2021, 14:00 – 15:30 (GMT+1) via Zoom Webinar (ID: 816 5373 3660)
Speaker: HE João Vale de Almeida (European Union Ambassador to the United Kingdom)
Title: The European Union and the United Kingdom: a new relationship in a changing World
Video Recording
Wednesday, April 28th 2021, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT+1) via Zoom Webinar (ID: 870 5404 7540)
Speaker: Kalliopi Stefanaki (UNHCR Protection Officer)
Title: Greece: a laboratory for the testing of EU asylum policies. A practitioner’s view
Webinar Recording
2020/2021 (Semester I)
2020/21 SEMESTER I
- Wednesday 21 October 2020, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT+1) – Webinar (Zoom Meeting ID 893 9922 9282)
Speaker: Prof. Jon Pierre (University of Gothenburg, Sweden)
Title: Nudges Against Pandemics: Sweden’s COVID-19 containment strategy in perspective
Seminar Recording:
- Wednesday, 4 November 2020, 14:00 – 15.00 (GMT) – Webinar (Zoom Meeting ID 874 5777 1814)
Speaker: Dr. Andy Smith (Sciences Po Bordeaux)
Title: Made in France: Power relations, Institutions and Political Work
Seminar Recording
- Wednesday, 18 November 2020, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT) – Webinar (Zoom Meeting ID 872 7608 8963)
Speaker: Prof. Sofia Vasilopoulou (University of York)
Title: ‘Protesters’ versus ‘nationalists’: why political trust prevents the far right from expanding its appeal, but has a different effect on its core electorate
Seminar Recording
- Wednesday, December 2 2020, 14:00 – 15:00 (GMT) – Webinar (Zoom Meeting ID ID: 873 9612 7695)
Speaker: Dr. Luis Simón (Vrije Universiteit Brussel)
Title: Subject or Object? Europe in Sino-American Competition
Seminar Recording
2019/2020 (Academic Semester II)
- Wednesday 5 February 2020, 14:00-15:00 @ Simon Building, Room 2.39
Speaker: Dr. Paul Copeland (Queen Mary University of London QMUL)
Title: The EU’s social dimension and the crisis of European Integration
- Wednesday 19 February 2020, 14:00-15:00 @ Simon Building, Room 2.39
Speaker: Dr. Katharine Wright (University of Newcastle)
Title: Gendering EU External Relations: the case of digital diplomacy
- Wednesday 4 March 2020, 14:00-15:00 @ Simon Building, Room 2.39
Speaker: Dr. Lamprini Rori (University of Exeter)
Title: The landscape of political violence in crisis-ridden Greece
- Wednesday 18 March 2020, 14:00-15:00 @ Simon Building, Room 2.39
Speaker: Dr. Othon Anastasakis (St. Anthony’s College, University of Oxford)
Title: Russia and Turkey in the Balkans: Parallel trajectories and legacies of the past
- Wednesday 22 April 2020, 14:00-15:00 @ Simon Building, Room 2.39
Speaker: Dr. Peg Murray–Evans
Title: Constructing Rising Power from the Outside In: South Africa in Global Climate Governance
- Wednesday 6 May 2020, 14:00-15:00 @ Simon Building, Room 2.39
Speaker: Dr. Nagore Calvo Mendizabal (King’s College London KCL)
2019/2020 (Academic Semester I)
- Wednesday 2 October 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.211
Speaker: Dr. Margarita Markoviti (Université Libre of Brussels)
Title: From the Burqa to the Crucifix: Religious Freedoms and European Governance in a Context of Increasing Radicalisation
- Wednesday 16 October 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.211Speaker: Dr. Francesca Batzella (University of Hertfordshire)Title: EU energy policy in challenging times. What lessons can be drawn from Nord Stream 2?
- Wednesday 6 November 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.214Speaker: Dr. Nieves Perez-Solorzano Borragan (University of Bristol)Title: Brexit: Path dependency, unintended consequences and the Article 50 Process
- Wednesday 13 November 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.214Speaker: Dr Ruairidh Tarvet (University of Edinburgh)Title: Northern Nationalisms: Renegotiating Swedish and Danish National Identities
- Wednesday 27 November 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.214Speaker: Lamprini Rori (University of Exeter)Title: The landscape of political violence in crisis-ridden Greece
2018/ 2019 (II)
- Wednesday 13 February 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.213
Speaker: Dr. Kostis Kornetis (University of Oxford)
Title: Memories of Democratic Transitions in Greece and Spain
- Wednesday 27 February 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.213
Speaker: Prof. Simon Bulmer (University of Sheffield)
Title: Germany and the European Union: a reluctant hegemon?
- Wednesday 13 March 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 4.214
Speaker: Dr. Nikos Skoutaris (University of East Anglia)
Title: Differentiated Brexit? Rethinking the position of Scotland and Northern Ireland in the context of the UK’s departure from the EU
- Wednesday 27 March 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 4.214
Speaker: Dr. Martin Steven (University of Lancaster)
Title: Euro-realism in Party Politics: the rise of the European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) at the European Parliament’
- Wednesday 8 May 2019, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place, 3.209
Speaker: TBC
Title: TBC
2018/ 2019 (I)
- Friday 5 October 2018, 17:30-19:00 @ University Place, Theatre A
***The JMCE Annual Lecture 2018-19***
Speaker: Margaritis Schinas (Chief Spokesperson, European Commission)
Title: The Future of Europe: an EU that empowers and protects.
- Wednesday 17 October 2018, 14:00 @ University Place, 6.206
Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Simpson (Manchester Metropolitan University)
Title: Making Sense of Brexit – The Political and Policy Implications for the UK’s Devolved Administrations
- Wednesday 7 November 2018, 14:00 @ University Place, 6.206
Speaker: Dr. Rosa Maria Fernandez (University of Chester)
Title: National Interests as Barriers for Sustainable Energy Transitions in Europe
- Wednesday 21 November 2018, 14:00 @ University Place, 6.206
Speaker: Dr. Rachel Minto (University of Cardiff)
Title: Re-wiring European Networks post-Brexit: Continuity and change from a multi-level perspective
- Wednesday 5 December 2018, 14:00 @ University Place, 6.206
Speaker: Dr. Mustafa Kutlay (City University)
Title: Turkey in Turbulent Times: political institutions and economic development
2017/ 2018
- 31 January 2018, 14:00-16:00 @ Alan Turning, G107
Speaker: Dr. Jeffrey Franks, IMF and Prof. Nicos Christodoulakis, AUBE/LSE
Title: Economic Convergence in the Eurozone: Coming Together or Drifting Apart?
- 14 February 2018, 14:00-15:00 @ University PLace 4.214
- 28 February 2018, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place 4.214
Speaker: Dr. Kathryn Simpson, MMU
Title: Making Sense of Brexit – The Political and Policy Implications for the UK’s Devolved Administrations
- 14 March 2018, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place 4.214
Speaker: Ordoliberalism and economic policy in the EU
Title: Prof. Kenneth Dyson, University of Cardiff
- 18 April 2018, 14:00-15:00 @ University Place 4.214
Speaker: Prof. Helen Drake, Loughborough University
Title: Is France having a moment? The 2017 French electoral series and the populist challenge to the Fifth French Republic
- Wednesday 4 October 2017, 14:00 @ University Place 4.211
Speaker: Prof. Charlie Burns (University of Sheffield)
Title: Brexit: The implications for the UK and the environment
- Wednesday 18 October 2017, 14:00 @ University Place 4.211
Speaker: Dr. Paul Tobin (University of Manchester)
Title: EU Climate Policy at a Time of Crisis
- Wednesday 1 November 2017, 14:00 @ University Place 4.211
Speaker: Prof. Raymond Agius (Emeritus, University of Manchester)
Title: Health at work in the shadow of Brexit
- Wednesday 15 November 2017, 14:00 @ University Place 4.212
Speaker: Prof. Panagiotis Ioakimidis (Emeritus, University of Athens)
Title: The EU’s future after the French and German Elections
2016/ 2017
Semester II
- Wednesday 8 February 2017, 16:15 @ Geoffrey Manton bld. Lecture Th. 5 (MMU campus)
Speaker: Prof Dr Michael Gehler (Institut für Geschichte, Universität Hildesheim)
Title: The European Union: A new post-modern Empire?
- Wednesday 22 February 2017, 14:00 @ Simon_4.47
Speaker: Francie Molloy, MP
Title: Sinn Fein, Northern Ireland and Brexit
- Wednesday 8 March 2017, 14:00 @Uni Place_4.211
Speaker: Reetta Toivanen (University of Helsinki)
Title: European fantasy of the Arctic region as a tabula rasa
- Wednesday 22 March 2017, 14:00 @ Uni Place_6.208
Speaker: Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska (Centre for European Reform)
Title: Parliamentary Scrutiny of Brexit
- Wednesday 17 May 2017, 14:00 @ Roscoe 4.2
Speaker: Steven Hurst (formerly of the European Parliament)
Title: Working with the Conservatives in the European Union: an insider’s view
Semester I
- Wednesday 5 October 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 3.209
Speaker: Dr. Silke Trommer (University of Manchester)
Title: Burn the Bills: Irish Responses to Austerity in Social Context
- Wednesday 19 October 2016, 14:00 @ Simon 5.08
Speaker: Daniel Šitera (Leipzig University/Charles University in Prague)
Title: Is the EU Cohesion Policy failing East-Central European countries?
- Wednesday 26 October 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 3.212
Speaker: Aron Bakos (Babeș-Bolyai University)
Title: The life story, the military stories, and the historical views of a marginalized person in Transylvania
- Monday 14 November 2016, 15:00 @ University Place 3.212
Speaker: Prof. David Phinnemore (Queens University Belfast)
Title: Negotiating Brexit: The Challenges, Options and Constraints facing the UK Government
- Wednesday 30 November 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 4.209
Speaker: Dr. Charlotte Burns (University of York)
Title: The economic crisis and the environment in Europe
- Wednesday 14 December 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 4.214
Speaker: Dr. Julian Patrick Panke (University of Birmingham)
Title: Europe as Empire
2015/ 2016
Seminar Series 2015-16
Semester I
Speaker: Dr. Anna Sophie Maas (College of Europe Natolin)
Title: EU-Russia Relations 1999-2015: From Courtship to Confrontation
5 October 2015, 2pm, University Place 3.212
Speaker: Prof. Martin Seeleib-Kaiser (University of Oxford)
Title: The UK Welfare State, EU Membership and Free Movement
21 October 2015, 2pm, University Place 3.211
Speaker: Dr Mark Langan (University of Leicester)
Title: The Moral Economy of EU Association with Africa
11 November 2015, 2pm, University Place 4.214
Speaker: Dr. Maurizio Carbone (University of Glasgow)
Title: The rise and fall of aid effectiveness in the European Union
25 November 2015, 2pm, University Place 5.207
Speaker: Dr. Adonis Pegasiou (University of Cyprus)
Title: The EU’s Response to the Financial Crises in Ireland and Cyprus
9 December 2015, 2pm, University Place 5.207
Semester II
Speaker: Dr Gabriel Siles-Brügge (University of Manchester)
Title: The Truth about the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership
Wednesday 10 February 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 5.204
Speaker: Prof Neill Nugent (College of Europe, Bruges)
Title: The Supposed Decline of the European Commission
Wednesday 24 February 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 5.206
Speaker: Arlinda Rrustemi (University of Leiden)
Title: Statebuilding in Kosovo: Comparing the International and Local Perspectives
Wednesday 9 March 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 5.209
Speaker: Dr Elizabeth Monaghan (University of Hull)
Title: A Good Start? The European Citizens’ Initiative and Participatory Democracy in the EU
Wednesday 13 April 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 5.209
Speaker: Dr Ben Richardson (University of Warwick)
Title: Working Beyond the Border: Labour Standards and EU Trade Agreements
Wednesday 27 April 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 5.209
Speaker: Prof Michael Shackleton (University of Maastricht)
Title: Ever closer Union? Changing relations between the Commission and the European Parliament
Wednesday 4 May 2016, 14:00 @ University Place 4.213
2014/ 2015
Semester I
Speaker: Dr Eli Gateva (Queen Mary University, London)
Title: EU Enlargement Policy 20 Years after Copenhagen
Speaker: Dr Miguel Otero-Iglesias (Elcano Royal Institute and ESSCA)
Title: The Euro, the Dollar and the Financial Crisis
Speaker: Dr Georg Picot (The University of Manchester)
Title: Liberalisation, dualisation, or recalibration? Italian and Spanish labour market reforms under austerity
Speaker: Dr Jean-Christophe Graz (University of Lausanne)
Title: Standards in multiple authorities: revisiting the transatlantic divide
Speaker: Dr Toni Haastrup (University of Kent)
Title: Gender in Interregional Context: a different exploration of EU-Africa relations
Speaker: Dr George Christou (University of Warwick)
Title: Constructing Cyber Resilience in Europe: Opportunities and Challenges
Semester II
Speaker: Prof Catherine de Vries (University of Oxford)
Title: Losing the Hearts and Minds – Public Euroscepticism and the Future of European Integration
Speaker: Dr Sofia Vasilopoulou (University of York)
Title: The Golden Dawnʼs ʽnationalist solutionʼ: Explaining the rise of the far right in Greece
Speaker: Marc Smith (Jones Kelleher & Associates)
Title: European Union Citizens or Migrants?
** co-hosted with the European Movement, Manchester Branch**
Speaker: Ingar Solty (University of York/Berlin)
Title: Questioning the Interrelations of Economic and Political Crises in the Eurozone
**co-hosted with the Global Political economy cluster**
Speaker: Gwendolyn Sasse (University of Oxford)
Title: Polish Migrants in the UK: The Determinants and Content of Social and Political Remittances
2013/ 2014
Semester I
Speaker: Dr Greig Charnock (The Univeristy of Manchester) and Dr Tom Purcell (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)
Title: The Limits to Capital in Spain
Speaker: Professor Brigitte Young (University of Münster)
Title: The Battle of Ideas in the Eurozone Crisis Management: German Ordoliberalism vs. Post-Keynesianism
Speaker: Dr. Bob Hancke (London School of Economics)
Title: Comparative Institutional Advantage in the European Sovereign Debt Crisis
Speaker: Professor Justin Greenwood (Robert Gordon University)
Title: Participation, Representation and Interest Mediation in the EU
Speaker: Dr George Karyotis (University of Glasgow)
Title: The Greek Debt Crisis: Austerity Politics and the Drivers of Protest
Semester II
Speaker: Professor Tony Heron (University of York)
Title: Europe and the Global South in retrospect and prospect
Speaker: Dr Dimitris Bouris (College of Europe, Natolin)
Title: The European Union and Occupied Palestinian Territories: state-building without a state
Speaker: Professor Lucia Quaglia (University of York)
Title: The Politics of Transatlantic Regulatory Disputes in Finance Before and After the Global Financial Crisis
** Event jointly hosted with The University of Manchester Global Political Economy Cluster **
Speaker: Dr Christopher Kitchen (University of Sheffield)
Title: An ‘Iraq Syndrome’ in UK Foreign Policy? Libya, Syria and Britain’s Continued Enthusiasm for Intervention
Speaker: Professor Ian Bache (University of Sheffield)
Title: The Politics of Wellbeing
Speaker: Professor Richard Whitman (University of Kent)
Title: Going Global or Staying Local? The European Union as a Global Security Actor
2012/ 2013
Semester I
Speaker: Evgeny Klochikhin (Manchester Business School)
Title: Russia’s Innovation Transition: still a second class actor?
Speaker: Dr Gabriel Siles-Brügge (The University of Manchester)
Title: Social vs Global Europe in the wake of the crash: reconciling EU trade policy with the European social model
Speaker: Dr Rocco Bubbico (European Commission, DG Regio)
Title: A convergent Union? European regional policy between austerity and public investment
Presentation on EU Regional Policy (pdf)
Speaker: (Baron) Roger Liddle (former European adviser to Tony Blair and José Manuel Barroso)
Title: The future of British membership of the European Union
Speaker: Dr Lorenzo Cladi (St Bonaventure University, New York)
Title: “The rise of the European Union as a great power after the Cold War: balancing US hegemony?”
Semester II
Speaker: Dr Sotiris Zartaloudis (The University of Manchester)
Title: Greek politics in an era of crisis: meltdown or re-configuration?
Speaker: Costas Georgousis (National Film and Television School)
Title: ‘The Cleaners’: a documentary and commentary on the rise of the far right in Greece.
Speaker: Prof Michelle Cini (University of Bristol)
Title: ‘Britain’s European Policy: where next?’
Speaker: Dr Ian Bruff (Loughborough University)
Title: The Rise of Authoritarian Neoliberalism in Europe
Speaker: Dr Owen Parker (University of Sheffield)
Title: Free movement for whom, where, when? – Roma EU citizens in France and Spain
2011/ 2012
Speaker: Dr Huw Macartney (The University of Manchester)
Title: Coercive Neoliberalism & the Eurozone Crisis: the new politics of European statecraft
Speaker: Dr Jelena Obradovic-Wochnik (Aston University)
Title: What does it mean to ‘come to terms with the past’? The Serbian public and war crimes.
Speaker: Prof Sarah Green (The University of Manchester)
Title: The absent lives of undocumented dead bodies in the Aegean borderlands.
Speaker: Prof Andrew Russell (The University of Manchester)
Title: The Con-Lib Coalition: marriage of inconvenience?
Speaker: Dr Hubert Ertl (University of Oxford)
Title: The impact of the Bologna process on European higher education: reflections on developments in Germany and England.