2023/2024 (second round)
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the Europe and the World Centre (EWC) at the University of Liverpool (UoL). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs. Further details about the centre’s activities can be found on our website: https://www.manchesterjmce.ac.uk/
The Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for the funding of seminars and workshops to be held in the academic year 2023/24. We welcome applications for research as well as teaching events. The maximum amount for each bid is £1,000, with no preference given to bids that request the maximum or less than the maximum. Multidisciplinary and cross-institutional proposals are encouraged because of the Centre’s nature, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported workshops, seminar series and European-themed sessions at large conferences that are being hosted at one of the stakeholder institutions. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
With regards to teaching and learning bids, the centre is keen to fund projects which develop students’ understanding of and engagement with European issues. This could be, for instance, by inviting a guest speaker (academic/policymaker/NGO) to give a lecture to students, by improving student engagement with European institutions, by facilitating links with European minority groups in Manchester and the North West of England.
Projects funded through this call should take place before the 31st of July 2024.
1. Eligibility
The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders: the University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS), Manchester Metropolitan University (you must be based within the Faculty of Arts and Humanities) and the University of Liverpool (you must be based within the Department of Politics).
Proposals may be from individuals or groups of staff members based at stakeholder institutions. Any in-person event must be held at one of the stakeholder institutions.
2. Structure of proposals
Proposals should not exceed 1,500 words and should be structured as follows:
- Title of project;
- Name(s) of lead applicant(s), their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
- Context, objectives, deliverables, and likely impact of the project;
- Project structure, partnerships involved (if any), management and timescales;
- Continuation strategy (where appropriate);
- Detailed budget;
NB: Please indicate any match funding/support in kind, if available. The Centre cannot fund normal costs of course unit delivery/staff-related costs, FeC/overheads, or contingency funds. Equipment requests should be essential to the running of the project and not routinely available for use. Funds cannot be used for continual funding of an activity.
3. Deadline
The deadline for receipt of applications is Monday the 11th of March 2024. Applications should be sent to Dr Davide Schmid (d.schmid@mmu.ac.uk)
4. Evaluation
All proposals will be evaluated after the deadline by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE, based on:
• Quality and clarity of the proposal and its rationale;
• Anticipated impacts of the project;
• Partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, policy makers, local community, etc.), with encouragement to particularly include students and non-academic participants too;
• Whether the event is multi-disciplinary and/or cross-institutional in nature;
• Value for money.
We will inform applicants of the outcome of their bid within three weeks of the application deadline.
5. Other requirements
Successful applicants will be required to submit a brief project report of up to 400 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. We will be grateful if you can include within the report a photo taken during your event but understand if you would prefer not to. In general, funds will be released upon submission of this end-of-project report and upon notification of the account code to which funds should be transferred. However, funds may be released early if necessary.
6. Further information
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr Davide Schmid (d.schmid@mmu.ac.uk)
2022/2023 (I)
1. Introduction
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the University of Chester (UoC). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs.
Further details can be found on our website: https://www.manchesterjmce.ac.uk/
It is envisaged that the JMCE will be able to fund several seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000, with no preference given to bids that request the maximum or less than the maximum. Multidisciplinary and cross-institutional proposals are encouraged because of the Centre’s multidisciplinary and cross-institutional nature, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported workshops, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences that are being hosted at one of the three stakeholder institutions. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Projects funded through this call should take place between 15 November 2022 and 31 July 2023.
2. Eligibility
The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
• University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS)
• Manchester Metropolitan University
Proposals may be from individuals or groups of staff members based at stakeholder institutions. Any in-person event must be held at one of the three stakeholder institutions.
3. Structure of proposals
Proposals should not exceed 1,500 words and should be structured as follows:
• Title of project;
• Name(s) of lead applicant(s), their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
• Context, objectives, deliverables, and likely impact of the project;
• Project structure, partnerships involved (if any), management and timescales;
• Continuation strategy (where appropriate);
• Detailed budget;
NB Please indicate any match funding/support in kind, if available. The Centre cannot fund: normal costs of course unit delivery/staff-related costs, FeC/overheads, or contingency funds. Equipment requests should be essential to the running of the project and not routinely available for use. Funds cannot be used for continual funding of an activity.
4. Deadline
The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 28 October 2022. Applications should be sent to Dr. Paul Tobin paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk
5. Evaluation
All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline on the basis of:
• Quality and clarity of the proposal and its rationale;
• Anticipated impacts of the project;
• Partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, policy makers, local community, etc.), with encouragement to particularly include students and non-academic participants too;
• Whether the event is multi-disciplinary and/or cross-institutional in nature;
• Value for money.
6. Other requirements
Successful applicants will be required to submit a brief project report of up to 400 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. We will be grateful if you can include within the report a photo taken during your event, but understand if you would prefer not to. In general, funds will be released upon submission of this end-of-project report and upon notification of the account code to which funds should be transferred. However, funds may be released early if necessary.
7. Further information
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Paul Tobin paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will sadly be able to inform successful bids only.
- Introduction
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is a partnership between the University of Manchester (UoM), Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) and the University of Chester (UoC). We strive to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs.
Further details can be found on our website: https://www.manchesterjmce.ac.uk/
It is envisaged that the JMCE will be able to fund several seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000, with no preference given to bids that request the maximum or less than the maximum. Multidisciplinary and cross-institutional proposals are encouraged because of the Centre’s multidisciplinary and cross-institutional nature, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported workshops, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences that are being hosted at one of the three stakeholder institutions. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Projects funded through this call should take place between 1 October 2022 and 31 July 2023.
- Eligibility
The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (you must be based within SoSS, SALC or AMBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- University of Chester
Proposals may be from individuals or groups of staff members based at stakeholder institutions. Any in-person event must be held at one of the three stakeholder institutions.
- Structure of proposals
Proposals should not exceed 1,500 words and should be structured as follows:
- Title of project;
- Name(s) of lead applicant(s), their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
- Context, objectives, deliverables, and likely impact of the project;
- Project structure, partnerships involved (if any), management and timescales;
- Continuation strategy (where appropriate);
- Detailed budget;
NB Please indicate any match funding/support in kind, if available. The Centre cannot fund: normal costs of course unit delivery/staff-related costs, FeC/overheads, or contingency funds. Equipment requests should be essential to the running of the project and not routinely available for use. Funds cannot be used for continual funding of an activity.
- Deadline
The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 24 June 2022. Applications should be sent to Dr. Paul Tobin paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk
- Evaluation
All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline on the basis of:
- Quality and clarity of the proposal and its rationale;
- Anticipated impacts of the project;
- Partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, policy makers, local community, etc.), with encouragement to particularly include students and non-academic participants too;
- Whether the event is multi-disciplinary and/or cross-institutional in nature;
- Value for money.
- Other requirements
Successful applicants will be required to submit a brief project report of up to 400 words, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. We will be grateful if you can include within the report a photo taken during your event, but understand if you would prefer not to. In general, funds will be released upon submission of this end-of-project report and upon notification of the account code to which funds should be transferred. However, funds may be released early if necessary.
- Further information
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Paul Tobin paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will sadly be able to inform successful bids only.
Previous Grants
2021/2022 (first call)
1. Introduction
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE), a partnership between the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Chester, aims to develop a platform to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs.
As part of its commitment to the development of teaching excellence, the Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for seminar/workshop projects that seek to improve the learning experience of students studying any aspect of ‘Europe’, broadly defined.
The Centre does not wish to be prescriptive in the projects it will fund, but funds could, for example, be sought to: develop students’ understanding of pan-European issues, such as by inviting a guest speaker (academic/policy-maker, etc.) to give a lecture to students, improve student engagement with European institutions, involve students in promoting Europe, facilitating links with European minority groups in Manchester, etc.
It is envisaged that the JMCE will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature — reflecting the outlook of the Centre — are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Projects funded through this call should take place between 1 November 2021 and 31 July 2022.
2. Eligibility
The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC and AMBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- University of Chester
Proposals may be from individuals or groups of academics.
3. Structure of proposals
Proposals should not exceed 1,500 words and should be structured as follows:
- Title of project;
- Name(s) of lead applicant(s), their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
- Context, objectives, deliverables, and likely impact of the project;
- Project structure, partnerships involved (if any), management and timescales;
- Continuation strategy (where appropriate);
- Detailed budget;
NB Please indicate any match funding/support in kind, if available. The Centre cannot fund: normal costs of course unit delivery/staff-related costs, FeC/overheads, or contingency funds. Equipment requests should be essential to the running of the project and not routinely available for use. Funds cannot be used for continual funding of an activity. Research projects cannot be funded as part of this call unless they directly benefit a group of students.
4. Deadline
The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 15 October 2022. Applications should be sent via email to our Deputy Director, Dr. Paul Tobin (paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk).
5. Evaluation
All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline. Successful applicants will be notified by within two weeks of the deadline. All proposals will be evaluated on the:
- Quality of the proposal;
- Anticipated impact of the project;
- Partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, students, policy makers, local community, etc.);
- Value for money.
6. Other requirements
Successful applicants will be required to submit a brief project report, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. In general, funds will be released upon submission of this end-of-project report and upon notification of the account code to which funds should be transferred. However, funds may be released early if necessary.
7. Further Information
Queries about the proposals should be directed via email to the Chair of the selection committee, and Deputy Director,Dr. Paul Tobin (paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk)
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will reply to successful bids only.
2019/20 (First call)
1. Introduction
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE), a partnership between the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University and the University of Chester, aims to develop a platform to strengthen the intellectual community in European Studies (broadly defined), while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers, students and others interested in European affairs.
As part of its commitment to the development of teaching excellence, the Manchester JMCE is now inviting proposals for seminar/workshop projects that seek to improve the learning experience of students studying any aspect of ‘Europe’, broadly defined.
The Centre does not wish to be prescriptive in the projects it will fund, but funds could, for example, be sought to: develop students’ understanding of pan-European issues, such as by inviting a guest speaker (academic/policy-maker, etc.) to give a lecture to students, improve student engagement with European institutions, involve students in promoting Europe, facilitating links with European minority groups in Manchester, etc.
It is envisaged that the JMCE will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature — reflecting the outlook of the Centre — are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Projects funded through this call should take place between 30 November 2019 and 31 July 2020.
2. Eligibility
The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC and AMBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
- University of Chester
Proposals may be from individuals or groups of academics.
3. Structure of proposals
Proposals should not exceed 1,500 words and should be structured as follows:
- Title of project;
- Name(s) of lead applicant(s), their Department and university affiliation, and contact details;
- Context, objectives, deliverables, and likely impact of the project;
- Project structure, partnerships involved (if any), management and timescales;
- Continuation strategy (where appropriate);
- Detailed budget;
NB Please indicate any match funding/support in kind, if available. The Centre cannot fund: normal costs of course unit delivery/staff-related costs, FeC/overheads, or contingency funds. Equipment requests should be essential to the running of the project and not routinely available for use. Funds cannot be used for continual funding of an activity. Research projects cannot be funded as part of this call unless they directly benefit a group of students.
4. Deadline
The deadline for receipt of proposals in response to this call is Friday 15 November 2019. Applications should be sent via email to Dr. Paul Tobin
5. Evaluation
All proposals will be evaluated by a subcommittee of the Manchester JMCE after the deadline. Successful applicants will be notified by within two weeks of the deadline. All proposals will be evaluated on the:
- Quality of the proposal;
- Anticipated impact of the project;
- Partnerships involved in the project (e.g. between academics, students, policy makers, local community, etc.);
- Value for money.
6. Other requirements
Successful applicants will be required to submit a brief project report, which will be uploaded to the Manchester JMCE website and may be used for promotional purposes. In general, funds will be released upon submission of this end-of-project report and upon notification of the account code to which funds should be transferred. However, funds may be released early if necessary.
7. Further Information
Queries about the proposals should be directed via email to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Paul Tobin
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence expects to award their grants within two weeks after the deadline and will reply to successful bids only.
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between July 2019 and January 2021.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs. Further details are to be found on the website:
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Paul Tobin paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and AMBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Friday 24 May 2019 to paul.tobin@manchester.ac.uk
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2018/19 First Call
CALL FOR SEMINAR/WORKSHOP BIDS 2018/2019, first call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between January 2019 and June 2020.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs.
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Dimitrios Doukas d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk).
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and AMBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Friday 7 December 2018 to d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk.
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2017/18, Second Call
CALL FOR SEMINAR/WORKSHOP BIDS 2017/2018, first call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between June 2018 and January 2020.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs. Further details are to be found on the website: https://www.manchesterjmce.ac.uk/
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Dimitrios Doukas d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk).
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and MBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Friday 25 May 2018 to d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk.
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2017/ 2018, First Call
Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Call for Seminar/ Workshop Bids 2017/ 18 First Call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between January 2018 and June 2019.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs. Further details are to be found on the website:
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Dimitrios Doukas d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk).
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and MBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Friday 8 December 2017 to d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk.
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2016/ 2017, Second Call
Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Call for Seminar/ Workshop Bids 2016/ 2017, Second Call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between June 2017 and January 2019.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs. Further details are to be found on the website:
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Jenny Rodriguez, msridjr3@ds.man.ac.uk).
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and MBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Wednesday 10 May 2017 to msridjr3@ds.man.ac.uk.
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2016/ 2017, First Call
Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence
Call for Seminar/ Workshop Bids 2016/ 2017, First Call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between January 2017 and June 2018.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs. Further details are to be found on the website:
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Dimitrios Doukas d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk).
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and MBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Thursday 1 December 2016 to d.doukas@manchester.ac.uk.
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2015 Second Call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between October 2016 and February 2018.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs. Further details are to be found on the website:
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1,000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Dr. Gabriel Siles-Brugge. (gabriel.siles-brugge@manchester.ac.uk)
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and AMBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Friday 20 May 2016 to gabriel.siles-brugge@manchester.ac.uk
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee by mid-June 2016.
2015 Second Call
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between January 2016 and June 2017.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European Studies (broadly defined), covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management, while also facilitating local and regional links with practitioners, researchers and others interested in European affairs.
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature – reflecting the outlook of the Centre – are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications. In recent years the JMCE has supported day seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger scale conferences. For details on previous events, please visit our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B. the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Prof. Matthew Jefferies (matt.jefferies@manchester.ac.uk).
Condition of awards
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, School of Law and MBS)
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by Friday 5 December 2015 to matt.jefferies@manchester.ac.uk
Applicants will be informed of decisions of the selection committee approximately two weeks after the deadline.
2015 First Call
The deadline for this call was 15 May 2015. These pages give you an idea of the kind of grants that we usually offer.
Following successful competitions in previous years, the JMCE invites funding proposals for seminar series/workshops to take place between October 2015 and February 2017.
The Jean Monnet Centre organises a wide range of European-related activities. It aims to promote European studies broadly defined, covering a range of disciplines including history, cultural studies, law, the social sciences, and management.
It is envisaged that the Jean Monnet Centre will be able to fund a number of seminar/workshop bids in the current round. The maximum amount for any one bid is £1000. Seminar series proposals of a multidisciplinary nature, reflecting the outlook of the Jean Monnet Centre, are encouraged, as are cross-institutional bids, but there are no formal restrictions upon applications.
In recent years, the JMCE supported day-seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger-scale conferences.
In recent years, the JMCE supported day-seminars, seminar series and European-themed sessions at larger-scale conferences. For details on previous events, please look at the ‘Past Activities’ section of our website.
Proposals must include the following details:
- rationale of the event and provisional speakers
- format (e.g. one-day event, conference, etc.)
- location (N.B.: the event must be held at one of the partner institutions and be open to staff and students)
- name of organiser/s (at least one of applicants must be a full-time academic member of staff based in an academic department, school or research unit contributing to the JMCE)
- plans for the engagement of postgraduate students
- budget/costing (these should be as detailed as possible and include any sources of co-funding secured, where applicable). The JMCE is committed to demonstrating its effectiveness through ‘topping up’ of external funding.
Queries about the proposals should be directed to the Chair of the selection committee, Prof Matthew Jefferies (matt.jefferies@manchester.ac.uk).
Conditions of awards
Events supported by the Jean Monnet Centre must acknowledge the financial assistance received. A short report will be required after the event for posting on the website. The JMCE will only consider applications from its fee-paying stakeholders:
- University of Manchester (SoSS, SALC, Law and MBS )
- Manchester Metropolitan University
Bids must be submitted by 15 May 2015 to matt.jefferies@manchester.ac.uk
The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence will reply to successful bids only.