Special Events
The Eurozone between Perpetual Crisis and A New Paradigm: Looking back to move forward
10 February 2021, 14:00-16:00 (GMT) via Zoom Webinar
Professor Kevin Featherstone (LSE)
Professor George Papaconstantinou (EUI, Florence Italy; fmr Greek Finance Minister)
Professor Vivien A. Schmidt (Boston University, USA)
The digital recording of the Special Event is available via the following outlets:
- YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Clh8e3d0ImY&ab_channel=ManchesterJeanMonnetCentreofExcellence), and
- Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/625434840961720/videos/450150426336285)
Brexit on the Brink: From Uncertainty to Cooperation?
30 May 2019, 17:30-19:00
Mr. Guillaume Bazard (Consul General, French Embassy)
Dr. Hans-Günter Löffler (Consul General, German Embassy)
Ms. Caroline Morgan (Senior Political Analist, European Commission)
Venue: Roscoe Building, Theatre B (Brunswick Street, M13 9PL)
For RSVP & Tickets, please click here
** in collaboration with the3million & Settled Business**
European Parliament Election 2019
What is at stake for Britain and the European Union
Venue: Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) Business School, Room G36 – Lecture Theatre 3
- Andrea Cooper (MEP Candidate, Change UK)
- Chris Davies (MEP Candidate, Liberal Democrats)
- Gina Dowding (MEP Candidate, Greens)
- Michael James Felse (MEP Candidate, UKIP)
- Sajjad Karim MEP (Conservatives)
- Julie Ward MEP (Labour)
For RSVP & Tickets, please click here
** co-organised with Manchester for Europe**
Brexit and the North West
Wajid Khan became Labour’s newest North West Member of European Parliament in June 2017. In European Parliament Wajid sits on the Committee on Foreign Affairs; the Subcommittee on Human Rights; and the Delegation for relations with the Arab Peninsula.In 2018, he was appointed the Socialist and Democrats’ Special Representative for Muslim Communities.
Brexit and Citizens Rights Settled Status and Alternative Proposals
Jointly organised by Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE), INCA UK, an Italian welfare advice centre (supported by the charity ITACA) and ‘The3million’ (t3m), a national support group lobbying the Government to protect the rights of EU citizens. The round table, “Brexit Citizen Rights: Settled Status and Alternative Proposal”, will be free and open to the public and will take place on the: 18th of December at The University of Manchester, Unison Place, from 6.30pm to 8.30pm, M13 9PL During the event the speakers will analize the Government’s Settled Status proposal and the t3m’s alternative proposal for the Home Office and inform people of the work that “the3million” is doing to protect the rights of EU nationals that currently live in the UK and those who will arrive before any cut off date. The moderator will be Dimitris Papadimitriou, Professor of Politics at The University of Manchester and Director of the Manchester JMCE. For more: click here.
we are live from Manchester to talk about EU citizens’ Rights
Posted by the3million on Monday, 18 December 2017
EU Citizens in the Shadow of Brexit: A Panel with Manchester’s Mayoral Candidate
Topics for debate to include social issues such as hate crime, developing cohesion within the community, improving info points for EU citizens living in Greater Manchester and how Brexit will affect NHS, research, development, academia and business / science funding.
9 Apr 2017, 13:00 – 14:30, Lecture Theatre A, University Place
A special EU Referendum debate hosted by Daniel Hewitt Credit: ITV Granada
EU Referendum: Where does our money go?
How much does it cost to stay in the European Union, and is it worth it?
The UK sends £350 million a week to Europe – but one city that’s been transformed by the £190 million of what comes back is Liverpool.
According to those who think we should stay in the EU Liverpool has received around £2 billion pounds of EU cash for everything from hospitals to the city’s Tate Museum.
But those who want us to leave the EU say it’s British taxpayers money, and it would be best spent by British politicians.
Our political correspondent Daniel Hewitt goes back on the road one more time.
EU Referendum: What would Brexit mean for business?
What’s the link between asparagus, Manchester Airport and London Routemaster Buses?
The simple answer is they all play an important role in the economy of the North West.
But here’s another question….will our region’s economy be better off if we stay in or leave the EU?
To find some answers, our Political Correspondent Daniel Hewitt’s climbed back into his classic Vauxhall Chevette to go back in time to 1975 – the last time we had a vote on Europe.
EU Referendum: What has EU immigration done for the North West?
Granada Reports is running a special series assessing the impact EU membership has had on different parts of the North West. The latest instalment looks at immigration.
When Britain last held a referendum on Europe in 1975, migration from Europe was minimal.
Now EU migrants make up half of all arrivals here. Our Political Correspondent Daniel Hewitt has been touring the region in a classic 1970’s car. This time he visits two towns with different stories to tell.
All this week Granada Reports is going back to 1975 – the last time Britain held a referendum on our membership of the European Union.
Our Political Correspondent Daniel Hewitt is touring the North West in a classic car from the period – the Vauxhall Chevette, which rolled off the production line in Ellesmere Port in 1975.
But what’s it like to drive in 2016?
The Vauxhall Chevette on its first stop in Blackpool Credit: ITV News
Political Correspondent is driving a Vauxhall Chevette around the North West. Credit: ITV News
EU Referendum: Back to the Future – Europhiles v Eurosceptics
It was the year Status Quo achieved their only UK number 1, Manchester United won promotion back to Division 1, and the Vauxhall Chevette rolled off the production line at Ellesmere Port.
1975 was also the year Britain last held a referendum on our membership of the European Union, and over the next four nights we’re going back to the future to what 41 years of EU membership has done for the region.
Tonight, our Political Correspondent is taking the Chevette from Blackpool to Manchester – the most eurosceptic and euro-friendly places in the North West.
The EU referendum: An academic perspective
The EU referendum: An academic perspective 16 March 2016, 6pm. Academy 2, the Students’ Union. Event link: http://events.manchester.ac.uk/event/event:h1h5-ilm7cvd3-wojbiw/the-eu-referendum-an-academic-perspective
The Mancunion Live and the University of Manchester Politics Society present “the European Union referendum: An academic persective” in collaboration with Manchester Students for Europe and the JMCE at Manchester. A panel based discussion with Q&A session with experts in Politics and Economics:
- Dr Robert Ford (Senior Lecturer in Politics, the University of Manchester) speaking on the referendum and the History of Euroscepticism in the UK;
- Dr Clara Sandelind (Lecturer in Politics, the University of Huddersfield) speaking on the impact of Immigration and British Sovereignty on the referendum;
- Dr Dimitrios Syrakkos (Accounting, Finance, and Economics, Manchester Metropolitan University); speaking on the economic costs of remaining;
- Prof Dimitris Papadimitriou (Professor of Politics, the University of Manchester); Should Britain leave the EU from a European point of view?;
- Dr Olga Onuch (Lecutrer in Politics, the University of Manchester); What about Polish/Eastern European communities in Britain?
- Gabriel Siles-Brügge (Lecturer in Politics, the University of Manchester); What are the economic implications of Brexit?
A special joint event by the JMCE/EDIC and the European Movement
“Where Next for the UK and the EU? An Irish perspective” by Ambassador DANIEL MULHALL
(Ambassador of Ireland to the UK) 15 February, 16:30-17:30 University Place, Room 3.211 Click here for the event link
JMCE & European Movement, Special Event: Britain & The EU, 2015
“What Future for Britain and the EU?” An MEP panel discussion with Gary Titley (Former MEP), Chris Davies (Former MEP).
Visit of the Italian Ambassador to The University of Manchester
The visit was partially sponsored by the Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence. Asquale Terracciano, Italian Ambassador to the UK – accompanied by his wife, other high-profile Italian diplomats and representatives of the Italian community in the UK – visited Manchester and took part in a series of events, including a meeting with President and Vice-Chancellor of The University of Manchester Dame Nancy Rothwell.
Speakers: John Stanyer, Chair, UKIP Northwest, Kevin Peel Labour & Co-operative councillor for Manchester city centre
Title: Does EU Free Movement Work For Manchester? 21 October 2015, 6pm, Friends Meeting House 6 Mount Street, M2 5NS More information
A Special JMCE Event:
the leader of the European Socialists in the European Parliament “The Benefits of the European Union” Gianni Pittella, President of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament Afzal Kahn, the North West MEP
17 Mar 2015, 5:00pm, – 6:00pm, University Place (Room 5.211)