

Publication of the Trade and Public Policy Network (TaPP) and Manchester Jean Monnet Centre (MJMCE) report on the UK-Switzerland trade negotiations

Following a workshop in December with TaPP and MJMCE , we are excited to announce the publication of our joint research report on the UK-Switzerland free trade agreement. Drawing in part on recent trade negotiations with New Zealand (UK-NZ) and Australia (UK-AU), the report analyses a range of possible outcomes in the UK-Switzerland negotiations in terms of the risks and opportunities they pose for the UK.

The report contains a wide range of contributions on various expected chapters in the agreement. These include chapters on financial services, investment, digital trade, and a range of cross-cutting issues including regulatory cooperation, environment and climate change and labour rights.

You can find the report attached here: TaPPMJMCE_UK-SwiterlandFTA

What is JMCE?

The Manchester Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (JMCE) is an interdisciplinary forum for the promotion of research and teaching on Europe across The University of Manchester and Manchester Metropolitan University.


The JMCE aims to:

  • Support research activities, mainly through the funding of conferences and workshops with a European focus.
  • Organise events such as a regular seminar series and a high-profile Annual Lecture on Europe.
  • Promote excellence in teaching and learning, through the funding of innovative teaching-related projects.
  • Provide a platform for the interdisciplinary engagement of research students with an interest on Europe.
  • Reach out to the practitioner community and the public at large on matters affecting Europe.
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